Mother accused of injecting children with insulin remanded to prison


[]Gail DeJonge, 24, who resides at the Linden Hospital Complex, MacKenzie accused of injecting her children with insulin was on Monday, February 10, slapped with an assault charge committed on a social worker.

She pleaded not guilty to the charge before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. It is alleged that on Friday, February 7 at Linden Hospital Complex, she unlawfully assaulted Huette Moore.

Police Prosecutor, Vernetta Pindar, did not relate the particulars of the offense in Court; however, she stated that DeJonge is a nurse attached to the Linden Hospital Complex.

The Prosecutor objected to bail on the basis that the woman is a danger to both the virtual complainant and her children.

She informed the Court that DeJonge is accused of injecting her seven and eleven – year – old children with insulin. This incident led to the social worker investigating the allegation, when the accused assaulted the social worker. The Prosecutor’s objection was upheld and the case was transferred to Christianburgh Magistrate’s Court for February 12.



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