Woman granted bail for assaulting ‘Child Father’


court[www.inewsguyana.com] A self-employed woman of Campbellville Housing Scheme, Georgetown was today (Tuesday, June 10), placed on her own recognizance for assaulting her child father after an exchange of words.

Melissa Adridge pleaded guilty with explanation to the offence which alleged that on Friday, May 13 at the National Park, Georgetown, she unlawfully assaulted Brian Rickette.

Police Prosecutor Bharat Mangru said the virtual complainant and the defendant have a son together and on the day in question the victim was passing by the Park when he saw the defendant and inquired about their son not attending school.

 Subsequently, they had an exchange of words and she dealt him several cuffs about his face, causing him to receive injuries.

According to Adridge, her child father assaulted her first and based on this reason a not guilty plea was recorded.

The Prosecutor did not object to bail and the matter was transferred before Magistrate Dylon Bess for June 24.



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