By Jomo Paul

[] – Officials of A Partnership For National Unity / Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) have confirmed that police investigations against PNCR member Vanessa Kissoon are still underway.
Kissoon, who is the Linden representative of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), was reportedly detained by Police in Linden on Tuesday March 24, for allegedly disrupting a public meeting by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic.
According to reports, Kissoon attended the meeting at Blueberry Hill and reportedly heckled the speakers, which included Junior Finance Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill.
However after she was ignored, Kissoon allegedly intimidated attendees at the meeting and allegedly issued threats to those present.
At an APNU/AFC presser on Friday March 27, Campaign Co-Chair Raphael Trotman confirmed the on-going investigation noting that Kissoon may be subject to a summons.
“As of yesterday [Thursday] Ms Kissoon has not been charged. She has submitted herself for full investigation by the police. She has been advised that she may be summoned and at that stage we will react,” Trotman told a news conference.
However according to Trotman “The PPP is deliberately provoking and baiting” Kissoon.
He said that the coalition condemns “any acts of hostility, violence or intimidation against ourselves and we don’t want to perpetuate them against anyone else…we have cautioned our activists and team leaders in the field.”
He pointed out that activists from the coalition have also been victims of similar breaches, but the Party will not make a big issue of such a matter unless it is warranted.
In a statement issued on Thursday, the APNU/AFC camp said that “it has internally addressed reports which have been brought to its attention relating to unfortunate actions of an official.”
“Equally APNU+AFC calls on the PPP/C to take action against persons who have been aggressive towards APNU+AFC officials and supporters at public meetings of the PPP/C.Further APNU+AFC calls on the PPP/C leaders to exercise good judgment in their public comments and rhetoric and refrain from race baiting, fear mongering and hateful comments which have the potential to incite persons,” the statement noted.
I often asked myself is this woman sane and if she is not then why the opposition keeping her in their arms. Who is she at war with? I do hope she doesn’t cause someone to loose hope and do her something bad. Mr. Kissoon just relax yourself and let people have their meetings peacefully.
if she is a representer of women then women gone to de dogs….
Vanessa Kissoon, is a true representative of the desperate, confused, and corrupt PNC/AFC, who may not be prosecuted because the PNC still has enormous influenced in the Police force. Only last night I was watching and listening to the video between the then police commissioner Winston Felix and Basil Williams. Williams call the then commissioner on his office phone discussing some corruptions and corrupt practices, they also talk about Glen Lall and a hundred million dollars.
I guess it was Glen lall who probably spy on them and post it on the internet. Also I was watching some very vibrant AFC top men exposing the AFC corruptions.
PPP will definitely win the next Election with a 57% because of all those Indian from Berbice coming back home.