More details emerge in Berbice Granny’s murder; Relative to be charged shortly

Vulda Britton

unnamed[] – An elderly Berbice woman suffered a barbaric death over the weekend when she was manually strangled allegedly by a man who is said to be her great nephew.

iNews understands that on Saturday, the great nephew of Vaulda Britton, 78, called ‘Aunty ‘Vie,’ visited her Hopetown, West Coast Berbice home to drop off some food.

However, he returned to the woman’s home later that night, while Britton’s caregiver was out, and indicated that he would be sleeping over. 

An eight year old granddaughter of Britton also slept over the same night.

Reports are that during the course of the night the child woke up and saw the nephew naked over her granny and started to cry, but the suspect reportedly gave the child some blows and silenced her wails.

It was early on Sunday morning that a neighbour made the discovery after she went and enquired why the child was crying. Other relatives were informed by the suspect to check on Britton and it was then they were aware of her gruesome death.

iNews understands that police never visited the home and viewed the woman body before she was transported to the morgue. A relative said after the call was made and the family told the police the woman fell and her blood vessel burst, they instructed the family to call the funeral Parlour to have the body removed.

Meanwhile, sources from the village told Inews that, Police were informed that the death was due to the woman health complications. She is a diabetic and suffers from hypertension.  It was when one of the woman’s son visited the morgue he noticed marks of violence on the woman body and questions began to rise.

Police said a Post Mortem Examination that was done by Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh has revealed that she died from asphyxiation due to manual strangulation. Relatives stated that the woman was also raped and sodomized.

Additionally, information reaching iNews stated that the prime suspect, who was taken into custody on Monday, threatened to rape and sodomized his grandmother if she did not give him $10,000.

It is understood that the woman was sitting when the suspect, who is an alleged drug addict, lift up the woman’s feet and demonstrated the actions as he made mention of it.

The deceased woman’s nephew known as “Two Kick” is expected to be charged shortly for the capital offence.  The accused was recently released from prison after serving time on a simple larceny charge.

Britton leaves to mourn eight children.




  1. This beastly and barbaric behavior has nothing to do with the Government or politics this is all the doing of disgusting and wicked individual. A person like this should be put in front of a firing squad.

  2. Absolutely disgusting…. Before all those shameless individuals start blaming the new governemt remember no government is responsible for what people do unless they pay the perpetrators to do so….. So as a disgusted individual with no axe to grind I sincerely give my heart felt condolences and sympathy to this lady’s family and hope that the culprit is brought to justice


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