GRA employee charged with using threating, abuse language towards wife


[] – A Public Relations operative of Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) charged with using threatening and abusive language to his wife was placed on his own recognizance.

courtRoshan Reid of West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, pleaded not guilty to both charges, one which alleged that on June 5 at their West Ruimveldt home, he made use of threatening language to Angela Reid,while particulars of the other offence alleged that on the same day, at their home, he also made use of abusive language to the woman.

Police Prosecutor, Bharat Mangru did not object to bail. Reid was represented by Attorney-at-law, Leslie Sobers. He told the Court that his client and the victim have been residing at the same address for the past four years.

Sobers told the Court that he was instructed by his client that the incident aroused from a mere misunderstanding and the victim has since she has moved out with the children to her mother’s residence.

He asked that his client be released on self – bail, after assuring the Court that he has no reason to be a flight risk.

He was bonded to keep the peace pending the outcome of the trial and the matter was transferred before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond for June 16.



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