Toilet Bowl Thief gets 9 months imprisonment

Troy David


Troy David
Troy David

[] – A 44 – year-old man, charged with attempt to commit a felony, was today sentenced to nine months imprisonment by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine – Beharry.

Troy David pleaded not guilty to the charge, particulars of which stated that on Wednesday, June 11 at Georgetown, he attempted to steal a toilet bowl, property of Raj Bookraj Company.

Police Prosecutor Bharat Mangru said on the day in question the virtual complainant (VC) secured his business place which is located at his home and left to conduct other business. He subsequently received a phone call and as a result he returned to his business place.

The Prosecutor said the victim observed the washroom in the yard which was secured with a lock was broken into while public spirited citizen already arrested the convict in the yard. The matter was reported and further investigation was carried out.

Mangru informed the Court that the unrepresented man was previously sentenced two years jail in 2010 on a simple larceny charge.




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