Suspected bandit injured during shootout with police

Firearm recovered at Liliendaal.
Firearm recovered at Liliendaal.

[] – While conducting investigations into the larceny of two motor vehicles from Selena Auto Sales at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, at about 19:30h on Tuesday November 26, the police went to a house at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, where Lloyd Johnson called “Belly” and five other men were seen.

Upon seeing the police, Johnson opened fire on the ranks in a bid to escape. The police returned fire and he was struck to his abdomen and left thigh. A .32 revolver with 3 rounds and a spent shell was recovered at the scene.

According to the police, Johnson has been admitted to the GPHC under guard, while four of the other men were arrested. One managed to escape.

Police noted that during a search of the house, four complete car doors and a rear bumper were found.

Further inquires led to the search of a house at North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, where the body of one of the stolen motor vehicles and a number of parts that had been stripped off were found. A man was arrested. The other five men are in police custody assisting with the investigations.



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