Minibus ‘tout’ charged with abusing Police Officer breaks down in tears


court[] – Magistrate Ann McLennan fined a route 41 minibus tout $8,000 for using abusive language towards a Police officer.

Kester Rodney of Wismar Linden, pleaded guilty to the offence, particulars of which noted that on Tuesday, April 15 at Cornhill Street, Georgetown, he made use of abusive language to Brenda Codagon, where a breach of the peace may be occasioned.

Police Prosecutor Dinero Jones said on that day it was raining and the virtual complainant was walking along the 41 Minibus Park, sheltering with an umbrella. As the VC passed the defendant, he used a series of indecent language towards the Officer, claiming that the umbrella poked his eyes.

The Prosecutor added that persons around the area tried to calm him down, but he continued with his behaviour.

The unrepresented man broke down in tears alleging that the Officer also made use of abusive language towards him.

He was given a time limit of one week to pay the fine with a default of two weeks imprisonment.



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