Cadet Officer remanded to Prison for shooting 15 – year – old in mouth

Franz Paul


Franz Paul (right) and Bachand Singh
Franz Paul (right) and Bachand Singh

[] – The Cadet Officer accused of shooting 15 – year-old Alex Griffith in his mouth was today (Monday, June 09) remanded to prison by Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

France Paul of Lot 189 Freeman Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown, was slapped four charges. He pleaded not guilty to all the charges, one of which said on April 30 at Georgetown, he unlawfully assaulted Alex Griffith.

The other offence alleged that on the same day at Georgetown, he inflicted grievous bodily harm to Griffith.

The third charge also alleged that on the same day, with intent to maim, disfigure or disable, he discharged a loaded firearm at Griffith.

For the fourth offence, he was charged jointly with Police Corporal Bachand Singh, to which they both pleaded not guilty. For this offence, it is alleged that on May 1 at Georgetown, they conspired with each other to pervert the Court of Justice.

Police Prosecutor, Steven Telford said that on April 30, Paul’s sister was robbed and he took her to the Police station to make a report. After which, Griffith was arrested by a party of Policemen, which included Paul.

According to the Prosecutor, Paul placed a firearm in the mouth of the victim and shot him. Griffith received injuries and was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted as a patient.

Subsequently, a report was made to the Police and an investigation was launched. Meanwhile, the accused Paul was under close arrest during the investigations.

Franz Paul
Franz Paul

However, Singh is alleged to have taken the arms and ammunitions record book for Paul to alter the entries made in the book.

He requested that bail be denied on the grounds of the seriousness of the offences, and more in particular that efforts were made to pervert the Court of Justice.

The Prosecutor said that if bail is granted there is a likelihood that the duo will interfere with the witnesses, since an attempt was already made. He also said they may flee the jurisdiction if placed on a pretrial liberty.

The Police Prosecutor requested that the dup return to Court on June 30 for statements, based on the completion of the file. He said that the Prosecution has a total of 35 statements in the matter.

Attorney – at – Law, Roger Yearwood represented the cadet officer. He said his client shares a common-law relationship and has no children. He informed the Court that his client has been a member of the Force since 2008 and presently, serves as a Cadet Officer.

On the issue of bail, the Lawyer argued that seriousness cannot be used for refusing bail in the premise of the law.

He added that what is before the Court is the Prosecution’s bold assertion that Paul may pose as a flight risk.

The Lawyer said the allegation has been given much publication in the media and has been sensationalized.

Meanwhile, the other defendant, Singh was represented by Attorney – at – Law, Mr. Gajraj in association with Keisha Chase. Gajraj said his client has been a member of the Force since 2003 and has an unblemished record.

He said his client is married with one child and resides at the Beterverwagting Police Station compound.

For the conspiracy to pervert the court of justice, both officers were placed on $150,000 bail each.

As it relates to Paul and the three other charges, he was ordered to post $75,000 on the unlawful assault charge and refused bail on the inflicting grievous bodily harm and discharging a loaded firearm charges.



  1. Alyu really cruel you know. You in gat no feelings. No heart. They are human beings just like you . Put a gun in your hands & you feel powerful? Why you dont face them hand to hand. They would beat the **** out of you.

  2. Right job, *killing the thief, could have been done a lot better to remove stains Frm ranks name*. High respect to this officer for setting an example to these crooks


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