Slovenia seeks support for forest management

Minister Persaud, along with the team from Slovenia.
Minister Persaud, along with the team from Slovenia.

[] – Two members from the Slovenian Forest Service – Mr. Jurij Beguš and Dr. Aleš Poljanec – are currently in Guyana seeking ways to foster a partnership between the two countries and seek out areas of collaboration.

The focus will be on capacity building in the areas of extension/community forestry, forest biomass management and participatory approaches in forestry.

On Thursday October 3, the team met with Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud, during which Persaud received an update from the team on their mission and expressed Guyana’s interest in furthering cooperation with the Slovenia Forest Service in areas of forestry and REDD+.

According to the Ministry in a statement, he noted Guyana’s involvement in continuously strengthening its programmes on sustainable forest management, REDD+ and forest sector trade.

The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) in welcoming the two gentlemen said their agenda covers a wide cross section of activities where they are scheduled to meet with members of the public and private sector and scheduled to have three workshops with members of the GFC staff.

Mr. Beguš and Dr. Poljanec are in Guyana for two weeks from the 22nd September 2013 to the 5th October 2013.

The mission is focused on the sharing of experiences since both Guyana and Solvenia have rich and diverse forests.

The objective is to better understand the mechanisms that Guyana has instituted for sustainable forest management, supported through social development, extension and community forestry programmes.



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