Venezuela to produce documents to support its claim to Essequibo  – Maduro


granger maduro [] – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said Sunday night after a meeting with President David Granger that he intends to produce documents related to the country’s territorial claim of the Essequibo Region as a committee of the United Nations (UN) gets ready to visit Venezuela to assess the matter.

“These are complex, sensitive issues. We will receive a special technical committee of the UN, to work on the circumstances and this Venezuelan claim,” Maduro told the press after a meeting with Granger and Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.

“Documents related to this claim will be produced,” said Maduro in New York.

According to a report carried by El Universal, he further stressed that “a study based on Article 33 of the UN Charter will be conducted, in order to find the ultimate consensus and put a time limit on the (UN) good offices.”

Maduro remarked that “the ultimate solution” to this claim is expected to emerge from this move.

 “I suggested President Granger that we should have permanent communication mechanisms. For now, we will exchange ambassadors, and I expect this will allow our Foreign Minister (Delcy Rodríguez) to communicate with Guyana, in order to clear the noise some transnational corporations such as ExxonMobil are trying to generate,” said Maduro.

“Finding an acceptable, fair agreement,” is necessary, Maduro stressed.

Meanwhile, President Granger told the media that Venezuela has agreed to accredit the new Guyanese Ambassador, career diplomat Cheryl Miles.

President Maduro has also agreed to send back his Ambassador to Guyana which he had recalled a few months ago when the decades old border controversy was reignited.

Venezuela has also agreed to accept a United Nations investigative team that will report to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon so that a final resolution can be arrived at.

“The Secretary General has a menu of measures which he has sighted; he knows very well that it has reached a stage where it will require a legal investigation, Granger said.

This was President Granger’s first meeting with Maduro.

Prior to the meeting Granger and Maduro were photographed shaking hands.

Granger reported that “the Venezuelan position is based on the Geneva agreement… they felt they were seeking resolution through the agreement but avoided that the matter was settled in 1899… they couldn’t provide evidence that the agreement was null and void.”

He said Guyana has asked for legal solution to the matter.




  1. There is no document Maduro has that could undermine the 1899 award in favor of Guyana.
    Further, even if Maduro gets all if Guyana, he still cannot produce an economic plan to salvage both nations. He is a straight up communist dunce who owes his rise to the presidency to his mentor, big mouth Chavez. He has no idea about running a successful government and relies on Cuba, China and Russia to hang on to power so Venezuela can be a springboard for revived communism to take off in the region.

  2. Chavez has ruined Venezuela and Maduro seems incompetent of moving their crime-ridden country forward so he thinks the best approach is to try to deflect the real issue and problems by making such a claim on Guyana’s territory. This distraction will be short-lived as he won’t be able to con the average Venezuelans for long.

  3. I am in full agreement with President David Granger, continue to make your firm steps on our Country’s behalf, prove you are not a coward like the now Opposition Leader, JAGDEO…

  4. Venezuela to produce documents to support its claim to Essequibo – Maduro
    There is no document to support their claim. If there is then its bogus like fake SOPs.
    On the other hand you think US will give up their oil find?
    Ya have to be out of your cotton picking mind.
    Once US installed PNC to rule it means US will not give up their free oil.
    Had it been PPP in power US would have had to pay for the oil.
    Yall think US Government and business people stupid?
    US looking out for US—-PNC looking out for US—do anyone of you think that PNC really care about Guyanese well being? Think again what PNC did to Guyanese when it ruled for 28 years. Think of what PNC did to Guyanese when in opposition for 23 years. Never once did PNC worked with PPP for the betterment of all Guyanese. It was PNC members whom were pushing the crime agenda. Basil Williams and Winston Felix tape said it all about PNC. Look at how those at City Hall scrambling to clean up the city stench that they neglected for 23 years just to spite PPP but in fact they are so dumb not to know they were spiting their own citizens.


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