[www.inewsguyana.com] – The University of Guyana in partnership with the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium launched an African, Caribbean and Pacific-European Union project titled “capacity building in applied renewable energy technologies in Suriname and Guyana.”
The project is valued at approximately US$840,000 and the overall objective is to improve both the University of Guyana and the University of Suriname’s capacity to deliver programmes and courses in applied renewable energy technologies so that support can be given towards the sustainable economic and social development of both countries.
Speaking on Monday (March 24) at the launching of the project at the UG Turkeyen campus, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud alluded to the support this project will lend to the country’s low carbon development strategy and more widely the efforts to combat climate change.
Minister Persaud explained that energy is necessary for way of life and economic development.
Speaking on behalf of the European Union Benedikt Madl from the Georgetown office said that this collaboration on renewable energy is welcomed.
Madl said he will be very happy to follow up on the progress of the project as it is being executed. The main target of the project, which was launched in Suriname in December 2013, is the establishment of a joint master’s programme in renewable energy technology to be offered in both countries.
This will see 10 Guyanese graduates in applied renewable energy technologies being produced every two years.
The project also includes the training of staff from both universities in Belgium, the purchase of lab equipment for both universities and workshops and symposia to be held in both countries.