Students impacted by death of soldiers can defer exams – UG announces


See full statement from the University of Guyana:

The University of Guyana today records the valiance of the five (5) Guyana Defense Force (GDF) servicemen who lost their lives on December 6th, 2023 in the GDF Bell 412EPI Helicopter. Several of those who passed were proud and stellar graduates of the University of Guyana. These men died in the line of duty, therefore, peace must prevail over our historically intact three counties.

The University of Guyana honours the ultimate sacrifice of Sean Welcome, Michael Charles, Gary Beaton, Jason Khan and Michael Shahoud with untold regret, unyielding hope and feckless resolve. The University of Guyana salutes with deepest solemnity the families, former lecturers, students, loved ones, “Squaddies”, The Chief of Staff, the GDF High Command, and all those impacted by the sudden tragic passing of these treasured military men. We express our deepest appreciation to the search, rescue and medical teams and all those supporting their work. Highest hopes and sincere healing prayers to those who survived.

In support of the national defense project, the University recently put in place several contingency relief measures aimed at supporting students and staff in line of duty for Guyana border defense given the present situation surrounding our national sovereignty. The relief measures are temporary and are specific to the current examinations period which runs from December 1, 2023, to January 15, 2024.

The University has considered that many of its students fall within certain categories and would either be in the direct line of duty or might be affected in other ways it cannot completely predict at this time: these categories of persons include; A) Military, para-military, police, armed services and reservists; B) Teachers and students living and serving in regions 1, 2, 3, 7,8,9; C) Medical personnel and frontline workers; D). Regional administrators, diplomatic service workers; and E) Media.

As such, the University is employing temporary relief measures in deference to these students and staff and the evolving conditions in which they may be operating. Some of these include:

Students who are in these categories (listed above) and in active service may request deferral of examinations to the end of January 2024 using the request for Supplemental Exam by sending an email to [email protected]. This request must be accompanied by written evidence from their organisation.

For these exams (December 2023- January 2024) only, the University will facilitate all students to write exams using any government-issued ID. This is for all campuses and all categories of students including international students. Students who have UG-issued Identification Cards will be able to access all documentation and grades after exams.
