Public Servants to get salary increases this year – Parag

Minister of Public Service Sonia Parag


Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag has assured that there will be incremental increases to public servants’ wages and salaries each year.

This was a direct response to concerns raised by members of the Parliamentary Opposition who have claimed that nothing is included in Budget 2022 for public servants.

“Don’t stand here and tell this government that they don’t care about public servants. Every single year, there will be money allocated under 6131 for public servants. So, don’t mislead the nation by saying nothing is in here for public servants.”

Minister Parag reminded the National Assembly that one of the first moves of the former administration was to increase the salaries of their officials by as much as 50 per cent.

She also noted that in 2019, public servants were disheartened to find out that no provisions were made to increase wages and salaries.

However, when the PPP/C took office in August 2020, public servants benefitted from a one-off $25,000 bonus in December.

She continued that another increase was given in 2021; proof of the government’s interest in public servants.

“Mr Speaker, a seven per cent increase was given in 2021, despite we faced cost of living increase, no fault of the government, and also in the middle of a pandemic that doesn’t seem to want to exit the world. Mr Speaker, compare that to what the APNU/AFC has done for public servants,” she noted.

The planned increase of public workers’ wages and salaries in 2022, will be complemented by the increase in the income tax threshold to $75,000.

This means, as salaries increase, the minimum wage to pay taxes will be elevated, allowing more money in the pockets of taxpayers. [Extracted and Modified from DPI]
