PPP insists GECOM is ill-prepared to execute LGE



General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee.
General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee.

[www.inewsguyana.com] – The ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it has noted with grave concern, the public declaration by Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Dr Steve Surujbally on its perceived readiness for Local Government Elections and the rubbishing of concerns raised by its Commissioners.

The Party insists that it has the right to express its concerns over the integrity of the registration process and respect for the democratic rights of the Guyanese people.

The PPP disclosed that it had approached GECOM during the sixth cycle of continuous registration; asking the Commission to send mobile units into severely affected areas at convenient days and times to residents to assist with transfers but according to the Party, this was partially supported by GECOM.

“We clearly reiterate our position that over 8,000 persons are yet to be transferred. This will lead to disenfranchisement of these persons under the new electoral system which will be introduced and used when next Local Government Elections are held,” the Party said in a statement.

PPP believes “the conventional approach adopted by GECOM during the 6th Cycle of Continuous Registration as pointed out by the Chairman may have been adequate 10 years ago but with the several New Housing Schemes and changing economic and social life style of our people under the PPP/C administration, we beg to differ.”

PPP contends too that there are 30,000 persons who have registered and are on the National Registration Register but who have not been placed in a constituency in the relevant Municipality or NDC where they reside.GECOM
“The PPP finds it curious that there was utter silence of the opposition political parties and other stakeholders when the request was made, publicized and denied. Our curiosity is further heightened when the only response from the opposition came from the APNU Chief Whip when the Commissioners dared to expose some of their concerns,” the statement added.

PPP says its concerns are well founded; demanding that more ground work and physical placement of persons onto their respective constituency lists be done with the involvement of all major political stakeholders.

The PPP calls on GECOM to:

1. Provide the Guyanese people now with a detailed summary outlining the important aspects of their Readiness for Local Government Elections. Armed with this detailed information, deficiencies can be identified and the concerted efforts of all stakeholders can be properly focused.

2. Provide information on the status of the demarcation of constituency boundaries and inclusion of registrants in each of these constituencies for each NDC and Municipality immediately. And,

3. Provide their explicit Time bound Plan for holding Local Government Elections and declare to the political parties whether its intention to enter a Claims and Objection Period is aimed at preparing a list for Local Government or General and Regional elections.



  1. If the election process is flawed or get corrupted, I hope whoever at GECOM is responsible be sent to jail.
    Mr Surujbally must take full responsibility to ensure a flawless election.
    This is my opinion and advice.

  2. The PPP/C must learn what they did to Guyana’s greatest son Cheddie Jagan. They hoodwinked him into signing a blank document.
    In God we trust, and that’s where it ends.
    GECOM must not be allowed to proceed with half finished work.
    Silent means consent. The Opposition is silent.
    I do not have to be a rocket scientist to smell the stink.

  3. “The PPP finds it curious that there was utter silence of the opposition political parties and other stakeholders when the request was made, publicized and denied.
    Well well well PNC chief whip whipped it up real good::Anna Ali is just mouth for PNC toeing PNC line in order not t get the PNC Vanessa Kissoon special:

    All these things should be done in public and not behind closed doors::
    Or video tape everything everyone saying and doing in GECOM to be played for the public if any dispute::
    Something is up in GECOM. Something is not right for PPP this time around since PNC got their people to PRAY in front of that other guy office and they moved on to PRAY in front of his house:Seems like those PRAYERS worked just right for PNC eh>>>>> PNC was never thins interested in what GECOM was doing for how many election cycle now but all of a sudden PNC PRAYERS WORKING IN GECOM NOW:hahaha..Since massa let loose on PPP for PNC they are woking it up on PPP now hahaha


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