Pensioner killed on EBD roadway


A pensioner was killed Saturday night on the East Bank Demerara Public Road after a motorcar crashed into his electric bike.

Dead is 81-year-old Donovan Douglas of Stevedore Housing Scheme, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

Based on police reports, Douglas was riding Electric Cycle, EM 5436, travelling south along the eastern carriageway when he stopped at the intersection between Eccles and Agricola, and proceeded to do a U-turn onto the western carriageway.

At the time, motorcar, PWW 3407, was travelling north along the EBD road, alleged at a fast rate, and collided with the electric cycle.

As a result of the collision, the pensioner fell off his e-bike onto the road surface and sustained injuries. The Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) were summoned and upon arrival, examined and pronounced Douglas dead.

The body of the pensioner was subsequently escorted to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Meanwhile, the motorcar has been lodged for inspection, and the driver – an 18-year-old of 51 Seaforth Street, Campbellville, Georgetown – remains in custody.

Investigations are ongoing.
