Remarks by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), Mark Phillips on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha 2023
Eid Mubarak to all Guyana!
On this special occasion, we again join with our brothers and sisters in Islam to observe Eid-ul-Adha; one of the most sacred days on the Islamic calendar.
In this ‘Festival of the Sacrifice’, Muslims indulge in prayers, gift-giving and celebration to honour the faith and obedience demonstrated by the Prophet Abraham when God commanded him to sacrifice his beloved son. Abraham’s devotion to the Almighty was met with mercy as God replaced his son with a ram before Abraham could fulfill this divine order. This time of year also commemorates the conclusion of the Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.
These lessons of faith, devotion, compassion and commitment are the essence of Eid-ul-Adha and remind us of admirable qualities that we must aspire to embody in our own daily existence. Through each of these qualities and the act of sacrifice, we can act in selflessness and honour the lessons of this occasion. Moreover, we are encouraged to be benevolent and share our wealth and blessings with those who most need it.
Today, as our Muslim brothers and sisters gather with their families, loved ones and friends, let us remember these important lessons and continue seeking opportunities to practice them. Let us seek to understand our brothers and sisters, respect their differences; let us find common ground so that we can continue to live in love and unity.
And in times of hardship, these lessons will serve as our strengths and help us to navigate even the toughest situations with grace.
Once again, I extend my warmest wishes to every Guyanese, especially our Muslim community.
May this Eid bring harmony to your life and fill it with joy and prosperity. May you also draw closer to your loved ones as you continue along your path towards success.
Eid Mubarak!