Jagdeo describes APNU+AFC Budget as “underwhelming”

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews' Photo]

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews' Photo]
Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews’ Photo]
[www.inewsguyana.com] – The Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is not impressed with the $221B budget presented by the APNU+AFC government.

Incoming Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, in a brief press statement described the 2015 budget by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan as “underwhelming” and accused him of presenting projects and programmes from the PPP.

“The Minister of Finance was lengthy in generality and lofty goals in his budget speech, but failed miserably to be specific in policy prescriptions and initiatives to address the pressing issues facing various constituencies in Guyana. He shamelessly presented many of the PPP/C Administration’s projects and programmes in health, education, housing and water, roads, draining and irrigation, enhancing accountability and the environmental services sector among others as new initiatives. It is seriously underwhelming,” Jagdeo said.

His statement noted that he will comment further on the issue at a press conference sometime soon. It should be noted that the PPP was absent from Parliament for Jordan’s four hour presentation of the budget, as was reported by iNews.

The PPP is expected to take up its seat in Parliament when the debates commence.



  1. That CLOWN and his cronies all think Guyana is their personal property…”SICKOS”….that is one of the reasons they were so angry when they lost their birth right their mothers gave them.

  2. Yeah I agree with you a brilliant “CROOK!!..”.NOT THE KIND OF BRILLIANANCE MOST GUYANESE CONSIDER IS GOOD FOR GUYANA”!!……Tommy if that is your name.

  3. Given that this is a three month budget it is impressive.

    New ideas:

    1. Establishing townships-four, a major boost to community development,
    2. Creating the condition for mining to increase productivity, cutting the taxes of tools for mining,
    3. Maintenance for the morale of the nation by increasing their security and their take home pay, better medical treatment-maternity care i.e. ” A good life”
    4. A stimulus to the economy to spur economic growth macro-economics increase the GDP i.e. raise of salaries something the PPP refused to do.
    5. Focus on Renewable energy which will be economical wind, solar, small hydro and Bio-mass.
    6. Improve the environment i.e. clean up Georgetown a major public health issue.

    These are factors to boost tourism and mining output -increase GDP.

    Do that man need more to be listed.

    Have a good day!!!!!

  4. What more can we expect from this miscreant. A so called leader who had the capital city of the country smelling of stench and, and decaying like his mind. he has no moral authority to pass judgement of this budget. His corrupt, dishonest and other criminal acts against the nation will soon bring the judgement on him he deserves.

  5. Sour p..s. What a whimp! Good budget, it seems. Wish it every success in its achievement. Can only hope world prices do not affect exports and there are increased production of exporting items like sugar, gold, rice, forest products (timber, furniture, charcoal etc). Also, markets for rice at encouraging prices are found; Tourism is expanded with a substantial reduction in crimes and illegal drugs where everyone feels safe and secured. There should be an explanation for the increased budget to NCN and GINA. What are the plans fort cheaper energy? How soon? Without adequate and reliable energy and the suppression of crimes, progress will be stymied. All the best for a United Guyana working towards economic, social, and cultural progress.

  6. Underwhelming, yes. Many PPP projects, yes. But they should continue the PPP projects instead of walking away from them. That will ensure all the monies already spent on them did not go in vain.

  7. Jagdeo go and take a dam seat. You could have never did no way. Better with the budget. You were in power and could not raise salary to a 10 percent and much less to carry down food prices. What projects they took rom you. You allow ppl to charge high fees for project and could never done properly. Go to hell

  8. Its would be underwhelming because in 23 years the budget reflects the needs of the ordinary citizen and not those pork barrel projects that facilitated the massive corruption of the ppp.

  9. boohoo Mr. Jagdeo, so what if the New Minister copied your ideals? you never put them in place so why are you crying like a baby? where were you when this was presented in Parliament? You cant take credit for something you only thought about doing you pompas nobody, no one hears you anymore, your PPP cant even attend meetings, you will never be president again, go home and cry.

  10. You had 23 yrs to finish what they are now planning to do. Remember all those projects that
    Financially OVERWHELMED the national treasury? This nation will get a good BANG for their buck. You were incapable of giving a BANG, sir. This is a start, sir.


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