Jagdeo criticises persons promoting boycott of 58th Independence celebrations in Linden

The flag raising ceremony held in Anna Regina, Region Two in 2022 for the country's independence anniversary celebrations

The Guyana Government will take the national flag raising ceremony in observance of the country’s 58th Independence anniversary to Linden, Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice).

However, some political activists have been advocating for a boycott of this national event and have publicised several reasons why people should not attend the gathering. The reasons sought to discredit the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) government’s track record in Linden.

Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has since criticised the attempts to undermine the celebrations, contending that it is another act of racism being promoted by certain opposition players.

He explained that the current PPP administration had taken a decision to host the national flag raising ceremony in regions outside of Georgetown, in an a attempt to bring people closer to these events and promote a better sense of patriotism.

“I would’ve thought that this is a national event and that you would want full participation. It takes the pomp and ceremony to another part of the country which is normally associated with Georgetown,” Jagdeo said.

Previously, the flag raising ceremonies were held in Anna Regina, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) and Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu- Upper Essequibo).

However, he recalled that when the event was held in Region Two, members from the opposition camp had criticised the move. “Now that it’s going to Region Ten, they’ve urged people not to attend,” the Vice President lamented.

He referred to a list in circulation of reasons why people should not attend the event in Linden, debunking each of the mistruths therein.

Meanwhile, as it relates to the investments, Jagdeo noted that the government is spending $280 million on two stands at the Linden Synthetic Track and installing floodlights to make that sporting facility better.

In addition, 1000 house lots are being developed on a plantation next to Linden to facilitate construction of low income houses along with another 400 in Amelia’s Ward.

“That’s 1400 persons who will get a plot of land or a low income house from the government in this period,” he noted.

He also alluded to significant investments in health, telecommunications, and others areas by the current administration for the people of Linden and Region Ten.
