GUYOIL opens $700M fuel facility at CJIA

President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, GUYOIL's Chairman, Dr. K. Mangal and Managing Director Badrie Persaud and other staff at the commissioning of the Guyana Oil Company Limited's Aviation Services Fuel Handling facility at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport
President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, GUYOIL’s Chairman, Dr. K. Mangal and Managing Director Badrie Persaud and other staff at the commissioning of the Guyana Oil Company Limited’s Aviation Services Fuel Handling facility at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport

[] – The state-owned Guyana Oil Company Limited (GUYOIL) on Sunday (December 7), commissioned a $700M Aviation Services Fuel Handling facility at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri.

President Donald Ramotar who officially commissioned the facility, said that it will see a drastic increase in terms of the flow of traffic at CJIA, contributing significantly to the growing tourism sector.

Present at the event also were Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, and several aviation sector stakeholders.

This US$3.5 million project is phase one of an overall venture which comprises the construction of the terminal at Providence, East Bank Demerara. This facility sits on one acre of land and includes storage filtration units, and office with trained and competent staff.

President Ramotar reiterated that this project, which is part of a larger scheme that Government is embarking on to increase the inflow of traffic through the CJIA, will introduce competition in off-jet fuel services in Guyana.

“It is expected that this competition that is being introduced now will help to make aviation fuel prices more competitive, and to help also to increase the flow of traffic through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport…some people are saying we are investing in facilities like this when some roads in villages need to be repaired. While those roads are important, and we are trying our best to fix them, the investment into this airport is to help increase the revenue of our country,” the President explained.

Speaking on the modernisation and expansion of the CJIA, President Ramotar said that this project is not a luxury, but rather, a great necessity; to not only enhance the services offered, but to increase the country’s revenues.

This project is one of the most fundamental investments that have to be made in order to develop the tourism sector. “We have a great tourist product, many of us have travelled and without boasting we can say that our product is as good as any…what we don’t have is the infrastructure to develop this product, and that is one of the reasons it is so necessary for us to have a modern international airport and a longer runway as the first essential investment to develop our tourism sector,” President Ramotar said.

The spinoff of this project is the establishment of a number of hotels across the country. In this regard, Government, through this year’s budget made provision to invest in a hospitality institute to train workers to provide quality services.

These investments will not only benefit the tourism industry, but every other sector. “That is what seems to be missing when these things are reported. It seems that what is not appreciated is the link to the other sectors in the economy, how much it can enhance revenues and how much more we can pour into the social sectors, build more roads and clean up the country,” he added.

Moreover, he said that the country has travelled a very far way, and that there is the possibility of it moving from a developing country to a developed one.

The CJIA expansion and the Amaila Falls Hydro project, and the deep water harbour are all important projects that will help to generate revenues needed for the country’s continued development, he reminded.

GUYOIL has played a significant role in regulating the transportation sector. While they have done an outstanding job in road transportation, it is anticipated that the company will be more outstanding in the air transportation sector.

Minister Singh, who congratulated GUYOIL’s board and management for this signal achievement said that notwithstanding the challenges, Guyanese live in times where they ought to be excited for their country, where large local regional and international companies continue to express optimism in Guyana’s economy.

“I see today’s investment against the background of a wave of optimism demonstrated not only by Guyanese, but regional and international investors who are literally putting their money where their mouths are,” Minister Singh noted.

Over the past weeks, there have been several investments including by Unicomer, the parent company of Courts with a new distribution centre at Eccles Industrial Estate, new storage facilities by Rubis at Providence, East Bank Demerara, International giant, Exxon Mobil, setting up office in Guyana to begin exploratory drilling offshore, and the regional giant Massy, opening up a distribution centre. In the banking sector, two new bank branches opened their door, the Guyana Bank For Trade and Industry (GBTI) in Bartica and Citizens Bank in New Amsterdam, Berbice.

Minister Singh said that he is particularly pleased with this commissioning because there is a stereotype that the public sector cannot be outstanding. “I believe that GUYOIL is an example that defies that stereotype,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Minister Benn said that his ministry, along with its agencies has always been exploring ways to bring together synergy to enhance the effectiveness of the transportation sector.

He said that this is another example of launching Guyana onto a new level of aviation. He spoke of the expansion of the airport, and how this facility will add to what is being done to enhance the country’s transportation sector.

Over the past few years, Guyoil has moved its distribution of fuel all across Guyana. This company, which has been in operations for 38 years, has a staff complement of over 300, with 8 gas stations and 3 terminals. [Extracted and modified from GINA] 





  1. You need help,,,its only the devil can deal with you RACIST blind fools,, did you read all the news Inews post,,hell NO,,you only see what you want to see,,,the facts are all around you Crabs ,,just look at what has happened to the once great PPP,,you all fighting and killing each other,,,look at what you guys did to the Great Gentleman MIN Sach He was not part of the criminal gang,,I will tell you this i hurt you to you heart and i can tell you still hurting ,,but who cares,,as long as you and your band of criminals in PARK you will be hurt,,the TRUTH,,is what you ppl cant take,,the only good Coliee is a dead 1,,,,

  2. Who is the accuser of God’s people? The scripture says “the devil (satan) is the accuser of God’s people” Andrew, the devil lieutenant accused us of being “brain dead, Guyindia became the land of lawless people, all the indian girl now have every other man,, not indian man,, they got phantom man and drugs man, and Guyana is in park”. Andrew, I have reproof you in the past, but you seems not to be the teachable type. You state, “PARK” What about seven hundred million dollars? $700,000,000.00? OR, U.S. $3,500,000.00 ? Can you fetch that? Brand new fuel handling facility Commissioned. Please read the above article carefully and try to understand the words of one of our lively brains.
    Andrew, because you state “brain dead’ I hereby remind you of what Mr.Irwin La Rocque, the Secretary General of the Caribbean Community said in his commendation. “He commended the positive minded investors (us) for their contributions to Guyana’s growing (GROWING, MOVING, BUILDING, DEVELOPING ETC.) (not”park”) Economy, Guyana’s Economy continues to grow at a pace that leads the Caribbean”
    According to the Caribbean Development Bank, Guyana is one of the only three Caricom Member States to exceed the Global average of 3% growth in 2013.
    I can go on and on you know!
    Andrew you need to get out of that institution, and go to the active Ophthalmology center. You present yourself to be not only poor, but miserable, and you don’t know it. Liar!!!


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