Guyana to host renowned US media in effort to attract tourists


Kaieteur falls[] – The Ministry of Tourism is set to host a “Familiarisation Tour” for select United States (US) media, as part of a drive to showcase the unique attractions of Guyana to the US market. The ultimate aim of the exercise is to grow this market and bring visitors to the country.

Commenting on the FAM trip, Director, Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Indranauth Haralsingh, said that visitors from the US form just one of the key source markets for Guyana’s Tourism, as it brings approximately 42 percent of all visitors to Guyana. Hence the drive to reinforce the significance of the country’s tourism potential to the US.

The FAM Trip which is scheduled to take place in a few weeks, will give opportunities for writers from the Huffington Post, USA Today, and National Geographic among others, to meet and enhance their understanding of Guyana’s visitor offerings.

The FAM trip is also a part of the goal to promote the country ahead of the key, 50th Anniversary celebrations, Haralsingh said. JCD & Associates Limited, a renowned video producing company out of Trinidad and Tobago, which had worked for several US Networks and Travel Channels in the United Kingdom, also recently visited Guyana on a filming expedition, to promote the 50th anniversary.

Haralsingh explained that the production, which sought to give reason to come to Guyana for the celebration and activities, will commence during November and run until mid-January 2016.

But the Media Fam trip for selected international media from world-renowned publications and news agencies and advertisements, goes beyond just highlighting the promotion of Guyana’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. It is also a part of an aggressive marketing, implementation plan, aimed at bringing awareness to Guyana, under its new brand, “Guyana South America Undiscovered.”

To this end, Haralsingh explained there has been increased advertising with a focus on being in more niche markets and niche publications.

In this line, he said, just last month, officials from the Ministry of Tourism and GTA attended the first American Birding Expo in Ohio, to promote Guyana as a bird watching destination to the US population. The US has about the largest bird watching population in the world. Guyana is also being promoted at the British Bird Watching Fair. [Extracted and modified from GINA]




  1. Jonestown is totally lost. There is nothing left. It taken over by bushes. On another note what is this Defacto Government doing about attracting new air carriers. We need more direct flights from Toronto to Georgetown.

  2. seems like a good idea. However, Guyana needs to seriously do something about the ongoing crime. Bring back the cat-o-nine tails.

  3. Guyana is a country that people should know about. I live in the UK and quite often people ask me where I’m from and I say Guyana they will think its Ghana so I have to tell them its not Africa it’s neighbour to Brazil, even though we are so close to Brazil our country is still unheard of by a lot of people. Its high time people know that our country Guyana is out there for people to know and visit.

  4. Spruce up Jonestown! ……restore some of the facilities. As unsavory as it may sound, …it is still part of our History


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