By Kurt Campbell
Reports are that employees were paid little or in some instances no money over the last year (August 2013 – August 2014) amid much promises, all of which the Company has failed to honor.
Speaking to iNews, 33 – year – old Gregory Bobb, a former Drill Helper and Mines Foreman, claimed he is owed in excess of $2 million by the company.
“I survived on my savings… it was just promises and more promises. Sometimes they would give us money here and there and claimed they didn’t have more at the time. They even promised to sell the equipment to pay us but up to now nothing, but they renting buildings and paying for security services millions a months,” the father of one told iNews.
The man, who has already solicited legal presentation and is now awaiting a response from the company, recalled and presented his contract and pay slips to show that since June 2013, the company began dropping back in payments.
Bobb, through his Attorney, asked the company to make full payments to him within two week, if not he warned that prompt and drastic legal action will be taken against them.
The distressed Bobb recalled too what he said were empty promises by the General Manager, Bjorn Jeune. He claimed that the company was indebted to hundreds more Guyanese employees and service providers which amounts to millions; adding that his $2 million plus was the highest they owed any single person.
He claimed he has been ignored in recent weeks when he tried to make arrangements to be paid after his service was terminated on August 14, 2014.
“I went there a day and they lock the gate and was inside and not answering, and I know they inside because is not now I working with them is since 2011,” he added.
Bobb claimed that even the Labour Ministry has been giving him “the royal run around” in investigating the matter.
“I report it to them and every time you go is come back tomorrow, I was told that the boss man get a sister who is a big one in the Labour Ministry.”
iNews was able to reach Human Resource Manager/ Payroll Administrator, Dawn Austin earlier on her phone but was denied a comment and asked to return a call.
Subsequent calls to her phone went unanswered.
iNews had reported earlier this year that a group of just about 15 young Guyanese are fearful that that have been manipulated and ripped millions by a Trinidadian Company that established a Call Center – QUSET – in Guyana in November 2013. They are yet to be paid and have complained of the attitude of officials at the Labour Ministry as well.
I made a report since July and other employees and the Labour Ministry has not called us as yet when I inquired I was told the officer went on leave………………im calling on the Government of this day to Kindly investigate what is going on with SACRE COEUR GUY INC how are they getting off with these crimes GRA NIS NOW LABOUR ……………………THE CHAIRMAN IS GREGORY SPARKS AN AMERICAN..
Only in Guyana them things this does happen we own work us for next to nothing and other nation come in our country and work us and dont pay and no help from labour bullshit.
Can anyone in authority who can help us Guyanese workers here contact us through inews because some of us cannot afford an attorney we want our Guyanese brothers to come forward now and help us get our salaries…………….we cannot allow foreigners
to take advantage of us its one year we did not get a penny from this Canadian owned company…………………………..
A call to Action on behalf of our fellow Guyanese and non-Guyanese who are employed by this Company. Send emails to [email protected] and let them know that it is now known worldwide, what the Company has and is doing in Guyana.
I myself was not paid, I have some agencies trying to help me to get my hard earned money from them, I cannot get a compliance also because they did not submit my PAYE taxes to GRA also they months of payments to NIS ……….WE WANT JUSTICE……………………………………..
It’s unfortunate, but they are aware of the Guyana Government’s manipulation and abuse of their citizens, and they are following suit. Seriously, I’m praying for Divine Intervention in the biggest way. Grainger is running around the country campaigning again, with his empty promises to make things better, how? when he has failed, so far at making any significant “dents” in the current Administration. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY!