APNU, AFC in campaign mode; PPP focuses on PLE

Leader of the APNU, David Granger interacts with a resident during one of the Party's outreaches.


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Leader of the APNU, David Granger interacts with a resident during one of the Party's outreaches.
Leader of the APNU, David Granger interacts with a resident during one of the Party’s outreaches.

[www.inewsguyana.com] – The three main Political Parties have gone into elections mode as they prepare for possible elections over the Opposition sponsored No Confidence motion, which is expected to be tabled in the National Assembly in October.

General Secretary of the Alliance for Change (AFC), David Patterson told iNews today (Thursday, August 28) that the Party began its community meetings in a number of regions.

He said the AFC will continue its public meetings in Georgetown next week as it intensifies its outreach.

Patterson said their message is simple, and seeks to explain their actions to the people which includes the reason for the No Confidence motion against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Much emphasis is also being placed on accountability and good governance, a matter that has been of significant concern to the AFC.

Patterson expressed satisfaction at the heartening response it received in a number of PPP stronghold areas. This has boosted the Party’s confidence to contend at the possible elections.

On the matter of a coalition with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Patterson noted that this is not something the AFC is promoting, since the idea was only pitched to them. He said the matter was not discussed at the Party level.

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan and supporters in Berbice recently.
Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan and supporters in Berbice recently.

Meanwhile, APNU Member of Parliament, Christopher Jones, who spoke with iNews in his capacity as a field worker explained that the Party was preparing for Local Government Elections and has just switched gear in case there is a snap general election.

He said the APNU has intensified its efforts and continues to remind the people of the failure by the ruling PPP/C to deliver on its promises.

The Party even released an election song; however, Jones said that the song will be inter-changed and may not be used as the main one.

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee told iNews that the Party is more concerned with the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) t and as such, continues to conduct its house to house verification exercise to ensure no one is disenfranchised.

Ramjattan and residents of Wales, West Bank Demerara recently.
Ramjattan and residents of Wales, West Bank Demerara recently.

He said the PPP has been consistent in its engagement with the people and this will be intensified.

Many believe that snap elections are looming, after the AFC submitted its No Confidence Motion to the National Assembly. If the motion is passed, then elections could be held in three months.




  1. The above picture with Granger is from APNU’s facebook page and its very old. If this Party is in campaign mode, show us some recent pictures of “one of their outreaches”.


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