Banks DIH declares over $2.5 Billion after tax profit for 2015 …AGM set for Saturday


Beverage giant Banks DIH has declared an after tax profit of over $2.5B for 2015, as the company is all set to hold its 60th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday January 23, at the company’s Thirst Park location.

Chairman Clifford Barrington Reis, in the company’s impressively designed, glossy dark covered Annual report, noted that the company made $304 million more than the previous period.

He stated that this was made possible because of an increase in physical sales by 3 per cent, an increase in revenue by 4 per cent and a reduction in operational expenses also by 4 per cent due to internal efficiency measures and favourable material prices.

With six decades in the business, the company is celebrating its “Diamond Jubilee” by focusing on developing and strengthening the shareholder value by way of capital improvements made to the production plants, the delivery and distribution networks, training in all areas to productively respond to the rapid evolving technological and emerging market demands and product and packaging development to satisfy the requirements of a younger and more discerning customer base.

Bearing the tagline “The Journey of Discovery Continues” the company notes that the quest for knowledge of origins grew in intensity as new discoveries and inventions created several platforms from which this search for answers was launched, and credits the evolution of the company over the six decades to humble beginnings grounded in the relationships entered into with its employees, stakeholders, customers, suppliers and franchise partners.

Even as scores of Share-holders prepare to participate in the customary AGM on Saturday, Reis said the institution remains solid in its mission to build on its tradition of excellence by providing quality products and services, financial results and management performance that meet the interests of the Shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the community at large.




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