‘We need justice’ – family of Berbice fisherman killed in hit-and-run accident

Stanley Bronne’s wife, Alicia, with her baby and her mother-in-law, Sharmilla Bronne, and grandmother-in-law
Stanley Bronne’s wife, Alicia, with her baby and her mother-in-law, Sharmilla Bronne, and grandmother-in-law

Three weeks after a driver collided with a Berbice fisherman, causing his instant death and fleeing the scene, family members are calling for justice.

It was on April 23, 2019, that Stanley Bronne met his demise.

The 30-year-old fisherman was hit in front of his Lot 7 Number 11 Village, East Coast Berbice home.

The driver, a 37-year-old businessman of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, did not stop at the scene after the impact.

Villagers pursued him with a car. The car they stopped was being driven by an off duty policeman. He was apprehended five villages away.

The dead man’s mother, Sharmilla Bronne, said that the family is not satisfied with what has been happening as it relates to the investigation.

“When we go to the police, the police tell us that the documents gone to the DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] and when we go to the DPP they tell us that no documents are there,” she told Inews.

Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner Paul Langevine in an invited comment said that the police are investigating the matter. Commander Langevine said he was unaware that the driver is an ex-policeman.

The dead man’s grandmother told Inews that what the family is being told does not add up and they are concerned about the integrity of the investigation.

She said they were informed that the police officer who drove the vehicle which was involved in the accident was out of the station compound.

Meanwhile, the dead man’s wife, Alicia, noted that Bronne died leaving her and two children – aged two and two-months-old. She explained that she is not working and because of having a young baby it is difficult to go out to work.

Meanwhile, his mother is calling on the Police Commissioner and the Public Security Ministry to intervene in the case to ensure justice is served.



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