Wanted men nabbed by police following chase in GT

The illegal firearm that was found in the possession of the wanted man

Two men who were wanted by police for a series of armed robberies were on Monday nabbed following a high-speed chase throughout the capital city, Georgetown.

One of the men had an illegal firearm in his possession upon being apprehended.

A statement from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) explained that ranks from the Police Impact Base (Brickdam) were performing patrol duties on Hadfield Street, Georgetown, when they observed two men on a black motorcycle, without a number plate.

Upon seeing the police, the men reportedly attempted to evade them, by riding away at a fast rate of speed.

The ranks then gave chase behind them and they ended up along Cemetery Road.

There, the pillion rider jumped off the motorcycle at Cemetery Road and Norton Street but was apprehended by a rank. He gave his name as Devon Griffith called ‘Spoony’, who was wanted for several armed robberies.

A search was conducted on Griffith, and a suspected .38 revolver with the serial number filed off, along with one live matching round of ammunition and one spent shell, were found in the crotch of his pants.

The motorcyclist was then apprehended by ranks on Princes and Victor Streets, and his name was given as Isiah Greaves, a 26-year-old labourer of ‘B’ Field Sophia, Georgetown, who is also wanted for several armed robberies.

A search was conducted on his person, but nothing illegal was found.

Both suspects, along with the firearm, ammunition, and spent shell, were taken to the Alberttown Police Station.

The suspects were placed into custody pending further investigation.
