Toddler’s hair clipped off at City Daycare


The Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Childcare and Protection Agency (CC&PA) are currently investigating claims made by a parent that officials at a City Daycare clipped off her toddler’s hair without any valid explanation.

daycareReports are that the mother dropped her daughter off at the playgroup at 07:00h last Wednesday and when she returned at 17:00h on the said day to collect the child she recognised that her hair was cut short. The angry mother then began asking questions as to what had transpired resulting in the child’s hair being clipped. INews understands that none of the staffers could have given an explanation to the mother about the incident.

Director of the CC&PA, Ann Green when contacted about the matter stated that the issue has engaged her department’s attention and investigations are in full swing.






  1. Seems as though there is a lack of good management and supervision skills there. Maybe staff were on their mobile phones so no one can account for what actually happened. I hope the matter is fully investigated and the parent obtain answers.


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