Suspected murder of Eccles woman: Cops awaiting autopsy report to determine next move


As investigations continue into the suspected murder of 32-year-old Rosemary Rudder of Eccles Old Road, East Bank Demerara, the police are awaiting the autopsy report to determine their next move.

DEAD: Rosemary Rudder

The woman’s lifeless body was found in a Parfaite Harmony, Wst Bank Demerara home which belongs to her ex-lover, on Friday evening.

A senior police rank told iNews that while it seemed as though the woman was strangled to death, only the post mortem report can reveal same.

The suspect- Rudder’s ex-lover- nevertheless, remains in police custody.

It is alleged that the now dead woman turned up at the 39-year-old bus driver’s home only to find another woman in his bed.

This led to a heated argument between Rudder and the suspect, resulting in a brief scuffle.

During the fight, the now deceased woman reportedly dropped to the ground and never regained consciousness.

Her ex-lover then went to the La Grange Police Station where he lodged a report.

Ranks of the said station went to the house, and Rudder’s lifeless body was found.

She was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH), where she was pronounced dead on arrival.



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