Repeat offender accused of robbery underarms, remanded to prison


DSC05230[]An 18 – year – old mason from Albouystown Georgetown was placed before the court for robbery underarms. Javette Vancooton pleaded not guilty to the charge which was read by Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

According to the allegation, on April 21 in Albouystown, he in company of others and armed with a gun and ice pick attacked and robbed Feona Sabrattie of several items amounting to $137,000.

The court heard that the complainant was sleeping when she was awoken by the accused, who demanded cash and jewelry. Police prosecutor Bharrat Mangru objected to bail on the basis that the accused was out on bail for a similar offence when.

The prosecutor also made reference to the seriousness and prevalence of such crimes in the country. The Magistrate refused bail and the accused will make his next court appearance on October 08. [Royan Abrams]



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