Ramotar says Opposition wasted shared governance opportunities

Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar. [iNews' Photo]

By Radha Motielall

Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar. [iNews' Photo]
Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar. [iNews’ Photo]
[www.inewsguyana.com] – Presidential Candidate of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Donald Ramotar says that the opportunities for shared governance were squandered by the APNU + AFC.

The incumbent President was at the time reiterating his position, which he has made known to the Carter Centre that that PPP/C will not be forced into any power sharing arrangement as a result of post elections violence or unrest.

This issue was raised on Sunday, May 10 during a meeting between Ramotar, former President Bharrat Jagdeo and Former US President, Jimmy Carter shortly before Carter departed Guyana for Atlanta, citing health concerns.

According to Ramotar, many committees and other avenues for inclusivity were all set up by the PPP/C Government as they tried to foster shared governance; however Opposition has not taken those opportunities offered in many cases.

“Opportunities given to get more and more involved were not really taken into account after the 2011 elections. I still think the Standing Committees in the National Assembly, in which the Government devolved powers to, are really the foundation and basis for inclusivity in governing Guyana,” Ramotar said.

Meanwhile, the PPP/C in its meeting with the observer mission on Sunday, expressed their concerns about the conduct of the elections, the same which was done with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

When asked about the response from GECOM to their concerns, Ramotar said he was advised that the matters are being addressed, but was cautious as to whether all their concerns can be fixed.




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