…last seen in 2018, new Mayor given modified version
The ceremonial mayoral chain in New Amsterdam has been missing for several years, but this is only now coming to light after the newly-elected Mayor was sworn-in.
Town Clerk Sharron Alexander admitted that the chain was missing when the new Mayor was elected on July 7, last and a never-before-seen chain was being put around his neck during the swearing-in ceremony.
Former Mayor Winifred Haywood was the last Mayor seen wearing the chain, in 2018, which serves as an insignia to show that the wearer is the Mayor and head of the town.
The mayoral chain is referred to as the Livery Collar or Civic Regalia. In 2018, the chain worn by Mayor Haywood seemed significantly shorter that the chain worn by previous Mayors.
Back in 2020, media representatives had questioned the absence of the chain when the then Mayor Winifred Haywood was addressing the Council.
However, when asked about the missing chain, Mayor McIntosh, who was the Deputy Mayor in 2020, said he needed to find out from staff at the municipality before he could make a statement. Asked if he would be calling in the Police, McIntosh maintained that he would first have to be updated by staff.
During a press conference on Friday, McIntosh was again asked for an update on the missing ceremonial chain.
“I would like to refer you to the security arm of the New Amsterdam Municipality,” was the Mayor’s response.
Sargent Paula Solomon of the Town Constabulary said her superior is currently on vacation and that officer was in contact with the Police investigating officer.
Nevertheless, she said an investigation conducted by the Police was done in 2020, but she could not provide further details.
The chain was being kept in the vault, and according to Sargent Solomon, multiple persons had access to the vault.