Over 100 children feted during Christmas programme in Leguan

The children of Leguan singing Christmas carols

Over one hundred Leguan children were feted, as the Ministry of Social Protection launched its annual Christmas programme to usher in the festive season in the Essequibo Island on Friday.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon and Minister of Social Protection, Amna Ally joined the eager children and their parents at the Maryville Primary School, to participate in the much-anticipated activity.

Minister Joseph Harmon and Minister  Amna Ally as they were greeted by the children at Maryville Primary School, Leguan

The visiting team was welcomed as the event got underway. The children sang holiday songs, were treated to goodies, food and gifts and also intermingled with the ministers and other officials.

Minister Harmon told the gathering that he was pleased to join in sharing Christmas cheer to the children of Leguan.

While reaffirming the administration’s commitment to the development of the island, the Minister of State said that “Your government has seen that it is important to share this moment with you.”

Minister Ally explained that the Christmas programme is aimed at putting smiles on the faces of children across Guyana during the festive season.

According to the Department of Public Infrastructure, he minister reiterated that Leguan is a priority on the government’s agenda, and this is reflected in the rehabilitation and construction of the Island’s roads which were in a deplorable state for decades.








The Christmas programme will be taken to other communities and villages across the country over the next four weeks.




  1. There is no poverty in Guyana. Who says so?? Look at all those kids all beautifully dressed and well presented.


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