Hughes remains silent on property battle

Nigel Hughes
Nigel Hughes

[]Following the numerous reports concerning the bitter land dispute between Attorney – at – Law Nigel Hughes and owner of Mae’s Private School, Mayfield French, the prominent Attorney has since chosen to remain silent on the matter until the issue is settled in Court.

A rather brief press statement from the Alliance For Change (AFC) – the Opposition party for which Hughes is the Chairman – noted that “The matter is now subjudice with interlocutory proceedings being conducted. It would be wholly inappropriate for Mr Hughes to comment on this matter which is actively engaging the court’s attention. The balance of the purchase price remains outstanding.”

Approximately 300 students preparing for CSEC exams at the Mae’s Secondary School might be affected, as the land on which the building was constructed is subject of a bitter dispute.

Court documents obtained by iNews revealed that French sued Hughes on January 17, 2014 in relation to the property located at Lot 29 Subryanville, Kitty, Georgetown, upon which part of the school has been built.

In the court papers, French is contending that since February 24, 2006, she purchased the said property from Nigel Hughes for the sum of $20M.

She paid $8M as a deposit and went in possession; transport was supposed to be passed within 8 months and a mortgage on the said property was supposed to be paid off before the passing of the said transport. However, Hughes never passed transport to her.

The portion which was bought from Hughes houses classrooms of Mae’s Secondary School, the canteen and the auditorium offices, washroom and other administrative and learning spaces.

It was noted that before the sale to French, Hughes had mortgaged the very property to Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company. French claimed that it was only in December 2013 that she first learnt that Hughes never paid off the loan.

Documents indicate that Hughes’ indebtedness to the company stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.



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