This now brings the total received from Norway to $38 billion under a forest protection agreement. Incumbent President, Donald Ramotar in a statement on Thursday evening hailed the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), nothing that it is concrete proof of what Guyana can achieve as a country.
He said that Guyana is one of the leading countries in the world in managing natural resources sustainably.
“And every Guyanese is benefitting from this. Our most recent deforestation rate was even lower than the previous year. We should also be proud that Guyana is currently taking the final steps to be recognised as a country that follows the highest standards of sustainable timber exporting in the world under the European Union’s FLEGT programme.”
According to the President, all Guyanese should feel proud of the vote in confidence expressed by Norway in announcing that they are willing to pursue a second agreement up to 2020, a policy that only the PPP/C supports in Guyana.
“I think that some of you might still ask the question: “but what does the LCDS do for me?” I will give you a clear answer: The LCDS is not just a strategy for the future; it’s a strategy for today. The LCDS is about earning real money that is being spent on addressing serious problems faced by normal Guyanese. That’s where all the money, including the $8 billion received today, will be spent. The LCDS is about fixing the drainage systems in your coastal neighbourhood to ensure that your yard will not be flooded. The LCDS is about making sure that the dry regions of our country have sufficient water all-year round. The LCDS is also about helping farmers to earn more money, about providing cheap electricity for everyone, about stopping the waste problem and about allowing your children to get the highest level of education right here in Guyana. That’s what the LCDS is all about, and that’s what’s in it for you,” the President detailed.
The LCDS was launched in 2009, and as a pioneer, Guyana had to solve many issues during the early years.
According to the President, a lot more will be done and he is confident that soon every single Guyanese will have a personal story on how the LCDS affected their lives.
Rightly said.
U r an idiot.
Thanks to the CHAMPION of the Earth! Champion of the earth is only one man and that is a Guyanese who has successfully led the world in the Low Carbon Development Strategy.
This Champion President Barrat Jagdeo has earned the respect of the World by putting Guyana on the map.
Dr. Jagdeo is everything that many haters wish to be!
The PNC hate the Champion because they can’t be him!
Long live the Champion!
Mother Sally u r an ass!
Only the ruling party can do so much for our country. GO PPP. Thanks for all you have done for this country and we look forward for the continued success of this country in the coming five years and beyond. VOTE PPP FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS!
This is absolute hogwash and it is a real pity that these unsuspecting and gullible Norwegians will fall for all of this ‘kaka’ that Bharat Jagdeo and Ramotar have been spoon feeding them about Guyana protecting its rainforest. We all know that this is nothing but a ‘white lie’ because the local media have credible evidence in the form of photographs and testimonies from residents (where logging is taking place) of the rape of the rainforest by the putrid likes of Bai Shan Lin.
Last year, the respected and fearless “Kaieteur News” exposed the malfeasance and skull-duggery galore that is the standard modus operandi at the discredited Guyana Forestry Commission, the Guyana Revenue Authority (aided and abetted by Khurshid Sattaur personally) and GO-INVEST in supporting the environmental carnage underway with the complicit support of none less than the President of Guyana – Donald Ramotar. Only last week, there was a photograph in the local media of several container truckloads of raw logs being exported by Bai Shan Lin.
This is a gross violation of any rainforest agreement and even the learned Annette Bulkan and others involved in the global environmental movement have gone to great lengths in exposing the corrupt nature of the many timber agreements that were done under the PPP regime for the last twenty odd years.
The global environmental watch dog Greenpeace needs to be unleashed upon Guyana with a view to getting the Government of the day to start taking the environment seriously rather than paying lip service. If the Gov’t of Guyana fails to tow the line – then we must support Greenpeace in pushing for crippling economic sanctions against the country’s forest and other related sector which will include gold mining and energy development – both of which have long term effects on the nation’s carbon footprint.
Sustainable economic development must not be just a mantra but must be credibly designed, implemented and measured because it transcends politics and is a core issue of daily human survival on a planet that is facing the increasing ravages of climate change, disappearing wetlands, flora, fauna and limited fresh water which Guyana is fortunate of having a lot of. Let us not squander our precious little natural resources for the sake of the further enrichment of those in the infamous PPP Friends & Family Loyalty Rewards Programme. Boot them out on May 11th., 2015.