Granger’s appeal is an attempt to delay Budget cuts case -HPS

Leader of the APNU, David Granger.
Opposition Leader, David Granger.
Opposition Leader, David Granger.

Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon has criticised the move by Opposition Leader David Granger to appeal acting Chief Justice Ian Chang’s decision to exclude him from the 2012 budget cuts case as an attempt to delay the timely conclusion of the case.

Speaking at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday, Dr. Luncheon said, “One would logically feel that these are attempts to delay the conclusion and prevent a final ruling being delivered in a timely way on this matter.”

On June 19, Justice Ian Chang took the decision to remove the Opposition Leader as well as Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh as defendants in the case.

The Opposition Leader had signalled his intention to appeal the Chief Justice’s ruling.
