GDF on full alert, UNSC to be briefed as Maduro’s threat to Guyana’s territorial integrity grows – Pres. Ali

President Dr Irfaan Ali


As Venezuela’s threats to Guyana’s territorial integrity continues to intensify, President Dr Irfaan Ali in a message to the nation moments ago made it clear that his government will be taking a number of precautionary measures, including alerting the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Already, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is on “full alert” and is engaging its counterparts including the US Southern Command.

Among other things, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday he would authorise oil exploration in an area around the Essequibo River. He also instructed oil companies currently operating in Guyana’s waters to leave. The announcement was made following the December 3 referendum in which the country’s population voted on annexing Guyana’s Essequibo region; however the country’s Opposition has since reported that 89% of eligible voters did not vote.

President Ali contended that Venezuela’s actions are in blatant disregard of the order issued by the International Court of Justice that ‘Venezuela shall refrain from taking any action which would modify the situation that currently prevails in the territory in dispute whereby Guyana administers and exercises control over that area.’

Venezuela has also rejected international law, the rule of law, fundamental justice and morality, and the preservation of international peace and security, the Guyanese leader added.

“They’ve literally declared themselves an outlaw nation,” he expressed.

President Ali said Guyana views Venezuela’s actions as an “imminent threat” to its territorial integrity.

The Secretary General of the United Nations was this evening informed of these developments, President Ali said, adding that other international partners were made aware of the situation.

Tomorrow, the UNSC, of which Guyana is a non-permanent member, will be informed. “…for appropriate action to be taken,” Ali said.

“We will not allow our territory to be violated nor allow development to be stymied,” the Head of State further made it clear.

He went on to assure investors that there is nothing to “worry about”, highlighting that their investments are in a democratic and stable country.

“There is nothing to fear, our international partners and international community are ready to support us,” he said.
