Flood waters recede, murders resume in T&T


(TRINIDAD GUADIAN) Two re­ports of mur­ders sur­faced on Mon­day as more than half of the coun­try strug­gle to clean up af­ter dev­as­tat­ing week­end floods.

Around 6.30 am, a man was shot dead out­side a truck­ing com­pa­ny in Thick Vil­lage, Siparia. He was iden­ti­fied as Ram­chan Sim­boo.

Po­lice have cor­doned off the scene.

In To­ba­go, po­lice said URP work­er Ter­rance Owen was shot dead on Sun­day night. His body was found at the Mt Grace Recre­ation Grounds around 10.30 pm.

He is the eighth per­son to be killed for the year on the sis­ter isle.

Ac­cord­ing to Owen’s sis­ter, Priscil­la, at around 10:30 pm, her broth­er was host­ing his birth­day par­ty on the play­ing field when he was shot.

He turned 32 on Oc­to­ber 11.

“We heard two loud ex­plo­sions and ran to see what was hap­pen­ing and saw him on the ground and peo­ple and po­lice were sur­round­ing him.”

She said Owen lived with his ex­tend­ed fam­i­ly a stone’s throw away from the field at Mt Grace Trace. He has four sis­ters and three broth­ers.

Of­fi­cers from the Scar­bor­ough CID are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.





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