Every movement by Venezuela being tracked – VP Jagdeo

Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo


On Thursday, the United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) commenced ‘flight operations’ across the country.

In addition to this, it was communicated that USSOUTHCOM will continue its collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in the areas of disaster preparedness, aerial and maritime security, and countering transnational criminal organisations.

Against this backdrop, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has affirmed that every single movement by Venezuela, especially those at the border regions, are being tracked.

“We have a US military aircraft flying over our territory. That’s part of finding out what’s happening and our army and planners will respond accordingly. But you will never find the GDF or a politican telegraphing this. I can assure you that every single movement is tracked.”

It was last week that the United States Department of Defense stepped up to offer a high-level presence, with several teams earmarked to visit this month.

The VP addressed concerns regarding Venezuela’s reputation as a belligerent nation and shed light on Guyana’s strategic approach to safeguarding its territory. Guyana has forged alliances with nations possessing extended capabilities, emphasising the significance of building relationships with allies that share common strategic interests.

It was assured, “One thing is important in this world. It is forging relationships with allies that have greater capabilities and share your strategic interests. In this case, we have allies who share our strategic interest, they want peace in this region. The entire CARICOM, the entire Latin America including Brazil, are prepared to defend peace in the region.”

This comment came in light of comparisons between Venezuela’s army, which is significantly larger than Guyana’s.
