Electioneering? Gov’t makes promises to Linden Mines communities

Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill during his meeting with residents of Coomaka Mines, Region Ten. [GINA Photo]

Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill during his meeting with residents of Coomaka Mines, Region Ten. [GINA Photo]
Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill during his meeting with residents of Coomaka Mines, Region Ten. [GINA Photo]
[www.inewsguyana.com] – Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill recently engaged residents of four communities in the Linden mines area and promised Government’s intervention to resolve several issues that are affecting those communities.

According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), Minister Edghill met with residents of Coomaka, Elizabeth/Mariah Three Friend, Old England, and Nothinghamshire.

GINA noted that the residents while raising some issues of concerns were in high praise for some of the developmental works that are ongoing in their respective communities.

“One common burning issue of concern is the poor transportation service for school age children. Residents implored the Minister to intervene as they complained that during the rainy season children are forced to stay at home because no transportation is available,” GINA stated.

“These children does walk for miles to go to school and they come home late at nights. If we get a minibus to collect all the school children in the mines it would encourage the children to go to school more.”

According to GINA, another resident noted that the children in the communities are eager to go to school, but because of bad weather they are forced to stay at home and in some instances miss end of term examinations.

Noting Government’s commitment towards improving the education sector and building the human capital, Minister Edghill said he will make representation to Cabinet for a school bus for the communities.

A section of residents of Elizabeth/Mariah, Three Freinds during a community meeting with Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill. [GINA Photo]
A section of residents of Elizabeth/Mariah, Three Freinds during a community meeting with Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill. [GINA Photo]
It was noted that the Minister also highlighted several other government initiatives under the education sector which have all aided in achieving universal primary and secondary education.

Speaking of the school uniform programme and the hot meals initiative the Minister announced that by mid October the administration will be distributing the $10,000 per child education grant as was promised during the 2014 budget presentation.

“Meanwhile the residents also took the opportunity to express their gratitude to the administration for the $1 M community ground grant, which each community has received already for 2014. While residents indicated to the Minister the need for more works to be done on some of the recreational facilities others spoke of how the grounds and their facilities have been beneficial to them,” GINA stated.




  1. this bana should resign from the office he holds since he is a gay basher. Juan Edghill should be ashamed to talk to humans. ppp harboring this criminal yes you bet its a crime to hold office like this bigot does and discriminate against humans


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