ECD man stabbed to death during row over cellphone

Dead: Otis Andey Haimchand

A 29-year-old labourer, Otis Andey Haimchand, of Lot 183 Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara, was stabbed to death on Saturday evening during a confrontation with another male over a cellular phone.

The incident occurred at about 21:00hrs at Haslington New Scheme, ECD. The suspect, who is currently on the run, has been identified as a 36-year-old miner/businessman of Haslington New Scheme.

According to police reports, earlier on Saturday, the suspect and Haimchand had a misunderstanding over a cellular phone.

Then around 21:00h last night, the suspect and the now-dead man had another altercation where they scuffled and Haimchand tried to escape. The suspect followed and dealt Haimchand a stab to his upper left side chest. Haimchand fell to the ground, after which the suspect escaped the scene on foot.

The injured man was examined and what appeared to be blood was seen on the chest area and a wound to the left side upper chest area, in the region of his heart. Haimchand was escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival and thereafter escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for storage, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination.

Several persons were questioned and certain information was received. Police are currently looking for the suspect as the investigations continue.
