33 C
Georgetown, Guyana
Sunday, June 2, 2024

”A DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN’ – Sunken dredge in Mazaruni River puts children,...

− residents call for authorities to take action Residents of Upper Mazaruni are concerned that if a sunken dredge in the Mazaruni River is not...

Small miners begin receiving mining claims

More than 50 small miners have been allocated mining claims as government honours its commitment to provide lands for small scale miners in the...

Mohamed’s Enterprise copped Top Dealer award – during Mining Week opening and awards ceremony

President David Granger, last evening, attended the opening ceremony for Mining Week activities, a yearly event organised by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission...

Miner killed in accident at Omai

A man has been killed following a mining accident in Omai Gold Mine in Region Seven (Cuyuni/ Mazaruni on Tuesday, the Ministry of Natural...

Mining industry has to do more to regulate itself – Minister Trotman

The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) will review its management and organisational structure to deal with the many challenges it faces,  Minister of...

Anti-gold smuggling laws need to be enforced – Allicock

Gold exports are one of the main sources of revenue that adds significantly to the Guyanese economy. The associated industries of the precious commodity...

Guyana Goldfields Inc. pours 75,000 ounces of gold within six months

The Aurora Mines of Canadian company, Guyana Goldfields Inc. has produced an estimated 75,000 ounces of gold for the first half of this year,...

Guyana seeking membership in extractive industries global body

The Ministry of Natural Resources aims to submit its application for membership to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in November. Ana Maria Rodriguez, a...

CDC announces emergency response teams for mining communities

The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) will be creating systems in mining communities to be first responders in the event of mining related accidents, according...

Minister Trotman receives CoI report into recent mining pit collapse

disappointed by continued negligence leading to loss of life in the mining sector Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, today received the final...

Recent Articles

US$75.8M East Bank Road Project to be completed within deadline

The groundbreaking US$75.8 million East Bank of Demerara (EBD) road project from Good Success to Timehri is expected to be completed within the contract...

Over 240 communities implementing 811 projects – Jagdeo

A total of 242 Amerindian, riverine, and remote villages in Guyana are currently undertaking transformative projects worth $4.7 billion, funded by carbon credits under...

Two single mothers receive newly-built homes from MOM Initiative

Today, the Men on Mission (MOM) initiative handed over two newly constructed homes to two single mothers in Regions Three and Four. Bhagwattie Ghirao and...

Teenagers among 3 arrested after 18 lbs of marijuana found at Port Kaituma

Three persons including two teenagers have been arrested after police unearthed more than 18 pounds of marijuana at Port Kaituma, North-West District in Region...

First Lady, BIT partner to train 45 women from Region 2 in cosmetology

Forty-five women from Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) will receive training in cosmetology over the next four months, through a competency-based vocational training for employment programme...

50-Y-O vagrant killed on WCD Public Road

A 50-year-old man, whom police described as a vagrant, is now dead following an accident at New Road Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara. The dead man...

Police Sergeant dies in Montrose accident

A 25-year-old Police Sergeant, Ronaldo Brummel, was killed in an early morning accident on the public road at Montrose, East Coast Demerara. The accident, which...

Govt wants greater accountability; will not defend procurement fraud, scandals – VP

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has made it clear that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government is serious about its plans to review the entire...

Kamal Ramkarran returns as President of Bar Association

Attorney-at-law Kamal Ramkarran has been elected as the new President of the Guyana Bar Association - returning to the position after serving two terms...

New GuySuCo CEO Paul Cheong meets with Cuban specialists

Newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) Paul Cheong today met with specialists from Cuba at Blairmont Estate. "GuySuCo is thrilled...