Ramsaran is currently embroiled in a nasty scandal involving women’s rights activist, Sherlina Nageer.
A recording had surfaced where the Minister in an invective with Nageer during which he promised to “slap” and “strip” the woman all the while telling her that she was a little piece of “sh!t.”
The legal bodies in a release to the media on Tuesday, April 28 made it clear that the utterances are not to be condoned by the sitting Minister of Government.
“Dr Ramsaran’s threat to slap and strip a young woman would be a disgusting conduct by any man. They are particularly reprehensible coming from a Member of Parliament and Minister of Government. A decent Minister would have resigned by now. A decent President would have sacked him already,” noted the joint statement from the legal fraternity.
The statement said that the Minister’s behaviour was “intolerable, abusive, insulting and obscene.”
“Dr Ramsaran’s behaviour has been reported across the globe. He has become a national, as well as an international embarrassment. If President Ramotar does not sack Dr Ramsaran for the sake of the voters of Guyana he must do it for Guyana’s international standing,” read the joint statement.
The President has been receiving calls from a wide cross section of civil society to seriously reprimand the Minister by asking for him to tender his resignation; however to date despite the numerous calls no such has been done nor has the President offered a response to the calls.
Look how much of you want to see that man go…I wonder when the PNC was in government how many of you had a right to do what u doing now. The president will make his decision. Patience. AZD do u actually believe the shit that comes out of your mouth. Coz im sure u talk when you text.
When dealing with people who speaks with both sides of the mouth and with fork tongues, beware. The devil has no equal.
Now we have those who would provoke to get desired result. Remember, they came with cameras and camera operators to make the story.
We have been slapped before by Forbes Burnham and his ilk.
They want to make the country ungovernable…they did and stopped progress.
They want mo fyah… they did and even burndown the children school in Linden.
Did I say mo fyah or more Balfimore?
We had this fyah in the sixties.
The opportunists left but now has returned to ruin us again.
This comment is not unexpected from that partisan association. They have suddenly emerge from a long slumber all because it is government minister under fire. Shouldn’t Nigel Hughes and Mrs Hughes have resigned when they were found out to have had connections with company chosen to construct the hydro? They used their right to remain silent. This BAR ASSOCIATION should start acting and behaving like a real professional body instead of jumping and criticising everything and everyone PPP/C. They are practising double standards. What else would you expect from this clique
The Bheri-Bheri saga continues unabated and like the story of old that as Rome was being burnt… the Emperor Nero was busy playing his fiddle. The whole issue as to why Rome was being burnt has its origins in the historical narrative that the Emperor Nero needed to build his new palace and so he decided to burn down Rome to make space available to build his new palace. If it indeed does sound familiar – it is modern Guyana where the Shakespearean term – “much ado about nothing’ has taken on a whole new life.
In fact, there are many charlatans and nincompoops that occupy the highest offices of the land that reminds one of when the Roman Emperor Caligula event appointed his horse to be a Roman Consul. The famous works of George Orwell – “Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’ are being played right before our very eyes here in Guyana and in the process the Friends & Family Programme of the PPP keeps on doling out freebies to friends, supporters and party hacks. Even a local soup tycoon has joined in the fray.
The nation and the world at large knows only too well that hell will freeze over should Donald Duck find the requisite courage and conviction to fire his disgraceful Minister of Health. The possibility of this materialising despite the ongoing demands of the western diplomatic missions, civil society and now the local law association is tantamount to finding the legendary pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The ruling despots should should stop insulting the nation and concentrate of consuming as much free dhall and beef bone soup that German’s can feed them because once sent to prison – they will all fall victim to kheera (white mouth) otherwise known as ‘bheri-bheri’.
There is nothing decent about this government…is that shocking? Hell no! Do we deserve better? Hell Yeah! Will anything change? Probably not!
Come May 12, 2015 its back to business as usual…Guyanese are some of the most passive, complacent and tolerant people in the World apparently…no wonder we keep getting trampled upon.
De-Gyals-Dem-Lova Bheri-Bheri should have been sacked the very next day!
I agree Bheri should go, his actions clearly indicates that he feels he can do as he wants. Thats a total abuse of his authority.
They asked for our votes; to serve us, to make our lives better, to have a lean and clean government and a return to democracy. WE GAVE THEM OUR VOTES.
Then they became corrupt and began stealing from us to enrich themselves, their families and friends. They became power drunk and began to act worse than dictators. They took freedom of speech from us and threaten to slap us if we don’t praise them. They tried to brainwash us and tell us they are the best thing that could happen to us. THEY ENSLAVED US.
On May 11, 2015 is the time to send a clear message to the PPP that we, the Guyanese people, are ending our abusive relationship with them. We do not want those bullies and bloodsuckers in our lives anymore.
Ramoutar, you do not need to fire Ramsarran. On May 11, 2015 the Guyanese people will fire you, him and all the rest of your band of crooks.
I don’t think he promised to slap. I think he said he can or can have his female friends confronts her to equal the playing field since she is woman and has stepped over the line in her verbal assault. I did not condone his actions against a woman political opponent though.
The civil society and all other opponents and ‘well wishers’ are the usual bunch who are known to be on opposite side of the Government from day one. They too want to rule Guyana.
They now notice that Guyana has riches and a Treasury as opposed to the incompetent and corrupt PNC regime.