APNU intends to take court action for non assent to Bills


APNU Leader, David Granger [left] and Party Member, Dr. George Norton during the press conference today. [iNews' Photo]
APNU Leader, David Granger [left] and Party Member, Dr. George Norton during the press conference today. [iNews’ Photo]
Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger has accepted the call made by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to take the President to court for not assenting to a number of Bills which were passed in the National Assembly.

At a press conference today Granger said that the Party is prepared to take the President to the Caribbean Court of Justice for his inaction.  As it relates to the recently passed Local Government Bills, Granger said that it has been more than 21 days since the Bills were passed and there should be no reason why it has not yet been assented to.

“It should be assented to 21 days after passage…the national assembly is the authority and we cannot allow clerks and ministers to impose maximum administrative delay on matters of major national interest,” Granger told reporters.

He further noted that the Attorney General has no “power to move a single comma from a Bill that the National Assembly has passed.”   General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday urged the APNU to take their grudge to the law court.

The Party noted that the President had already ventilated his concerns and reasons for not assenting to certain Bills which he believes collide with the constitution. In addition, the PPP said the President has communicated his position to Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman and so any further badgering from the APNU could go to the court.



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