APNU concludes outreach in Regions 1&8; slams Gov’t on state of healthcare, education

APNU’s Leader, David Granger address residents in Mabaruma

Leader of the Opposition – A Partnership for National Unity [APNU] Brigadier David Granger was part of a team of APNU Parliamentarians who were on a “fan-out” exercise in the Barima-Waini Region.

According to a press release from APNU, Brigadier Granger’s team visited Mabaruma and the surrounding areas. During the visit APNU MP’s met with residents and held several community meetings to inform them of the Partnership’s activities in the National Assembly and APNU’s stand on several key issues especially those of interest to the people of the Barima- Waini.

The press release noted that at several community meetings, APNU criticized the state of healthcare, education, unemployment, the high cost of living, poor condition of the roads in the region; the lack of 24 hour electricity to Mabaruma and the surrounding areas.

Mr. Granger and Dr Roopnarine chat with PNC/R stalwart Mr James Rampersaud. [Photo: J. Anthony Bond]
Mr. Granger and Dr Roopnarine chat with PNC/R stalwart Mr James Rampersaud. [Photo: J. Anthony Bond]
APNU called on the government of Guyana to set up Technical and Vocational schools in the Barima- Waini Region and to generally improve the delivery of education by having more trained teachers assigned to schools in the Region.

It was noted that APNU reiterated its call for an enquiry into the annual Gastroenteritis epidemics in the Region that cause great pain and suffering to residents, (especially in the Kaituma area).

APNU also called on government to address poor regional infrastructure especially the main road that links Mabaruma and the surrounding communities and the Kamaka stelling which is still to be completed.

“The Partnership call for a new and reliable ferry service to replace the aging and problematic Lady NorthCote; giving residents much needed relief when travelling to and from Georgetown and Farmers a reliable source of transportation for their produce.,” the press release stated.

The APNU team which visited Mabaruma included Dr. Rupert Roopnarine, Ms. Amna Ally, Mr. James Bond, Ms. Renitta Williams, Ms. Jennifer Wade and Mr. Sydney Allicock.

Another team of APNU Members of Parliament headed by Ms. Volda Lawrence visited the Port Kaituma – Mathews Ridge sub-region while yet another team headed by Mr. Ronald Bulkan travelled to the Potaro-Siparuni Region (Region 8).
