Amid rebuffs of its threats to Guyana, Venezuela accuses the US of “aggression”

Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro

Amid rebuffs of its recent threat against Guyana, Venezuela has issued another statement, this time accusing the United States of “aggression”.

Venezuela’s attempts to intimidate Guyana amid its oil blocks’ auction attracted criticisms from the United States (US) and the Organization of American States (OAS), among other organisations.

On Tuesday, Venezuela issued a statement in which it protested against Guyana’s efforts to auction its oil blocks, even though all the blocks are in Guyana’s sovereign territory.

See the second statement issued by Venezuela today: 

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the opportunist and interventionist position expressed by the Department of State of the United States of America in relation to the claims of the Guyanese government, under the tutelage of the Exxon Mobil company, which aspires to ignore the legitimate rights of the Venezuelan people over its territory.

It is unusual that those who for 200 years invented a doctrine used to try to validate military interventions, invasions, coups d’état, impositions of illegal coercive measures, occupations and any type of interference, now try to justify this new attempt to strip Venezuela of its legitimate historical rights and, in turn, encourage a dangerous escalation of a controversy that has been addressed for years through diplomatic and peaceful mechanisms.

We alert the international community of US intentions to create, in our Peace Zone of Latin America and the Caribbean, a military base in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, to turn that country into the spearhead of an aggression operation against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which would put the peace and stability of the entire region at risk.

The People and the Government of Venezuela, united in defense of the Homeland, will not give in or be intimidated by pressure, blackmail, or threats when it comes to defending the sacred homeland.

The Sun of Venezuela is born in Essequibo!

Caracas, September 20, 2023
