85-year-old elderly woman raped in Corentyne home


An 85-year-old Corentyne, Berbice woman, who is said to be visually impaired and has difficulty hearing, was reportedly raped in her home.

The incident which occured sometime at about 04:00h on Sunday morning reportedly left the elderly woman in an unconscious state.

This publication was informed that the woman lives alone in her Corentyne home but one of her children lives close by.

Following the incident, a relative said the perpetrator gained access to the house by breaking a window to the bedroom where the elderly woman was asleep.

This publication was told that when the elderly woman regained consciousness, she was heard screaming by her son.

Speaking to this media group the elderly woman recalled “I lie down on the bed; I cover from head to foot. I wasn’t asleep and suddenly somebody come and pull the coverlet and pull out the pampers and jump on me… ah feel like ah suffocating and ah say a can’t do that thing.”

According to the woman’s son, when he went to the Police station, he was told the Police will respond promptly and he should go and wait on them. However, according to the young man, it was not until midday on Sunday that the officers arrived.

“She was in pain and really wanted to go to the hospital but I said the Police have to come first and they have to take her to the hospital because her eyes were swollen; blood was in her eyes. Her entire body was in pain. If we go to move her she start screaming because of the pain. The whole place was with blood; all on the pampers and on the bed,” he said.

When the Police finally arrived, they took her to the Port Mourant Hospital where it was confirmed that she was sexually assaulted.

The woman’s son further related that when he inquired form the Police Officers at the hospital what was the next step, he was told that the matter is now in the hands of the Police and they were going to take it from there.

However, he said that he was told on Monday that he would have to take his mother to the station in order for them to take a report.

The woman was eventually taken to the Police station on Tuesday where statements were taken from both the elderly woman and her son at the Whim Police Station.

Investigations are said to be ongoing. (Andrew Carmichael)



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