2 men stabbed after rescuing woman from being beaten by partner


Two men, who attempted to save a woman, who was being beaten by her partner in a city bar, are now hospitalised after they were stabbed by the angry man.

Injured are Leroy Goriah, 46, of Ketley Street, Albouystown, Georgetown, and Alonzo Mc Lean, 48, of Independence Boulevard, Georgetown

Reports are that the men were at the GT Bar located at High Bridge, La Penitence, Georgetown at about 21:00h on Saturday when they saw the 34-year-old suspect beating his 29-year-old girlfriend outside the bar.

Police on Sunday said that the men intervened to help the woman but the suspect drew a knife from the waist of his pants and dealt the men several stabs about their bodies before making good his escape on foot in an eastern direction.

Goriah and Mc Lean, a horse cart operator, were picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Police said that Goriah’s condition is listed as critical, and Alonzo’s condition is stable. Goriah received five stab wounds to his back measuring about six inches each, one to his right-side chest causing his right-side lungs to collapse, and several stabs to his right hand, while Mc Lean received one stab wound to his left-side upper back in the vicinity of his shoulder.

Checks were made at the suspect’s James Street, Albouystown, Georgetown home and surrounding areas but he has not been found.
