100 int’l scheduled flights weekly projected by December

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport at Timehri (DPI Photo)

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expects to see 100 international scheduled flights per week by December, thanks to growing partnerships and a surge in incoming passengers.

This was recently stated by Director of Air Navigation Services (ANS), Rickford Samaroo, during a telephone interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Friday.

Director of Air Navigation Services, Rickford Samaroo


According to Samaroo, the airport currently has 85 scheduled incoming flights per week.

Over the past year, Guyana welcomed direct flights from Canada Jetlines, British Airways, and Sky Cana, among others. There were also inaugurated landings by Qatar Airways and Ethiopian Airlines.

These achievements have since allowed the airport to process over 545,000 passengers as of last month which reflects a 13 per cent increase.

Meanwhile, the Eugene F. Correia International Airport currently has 45 scheduled international flights per week, which is also expected to increase to 52 by the end of the year.

Canada Jetlines operating the Guyana-Canada route


The airport has recorded an average of 139 daily landings and take-offs to date. These include an average of 12 international landings and 20 offshore flights.

The influx of the international arrival rate is due to Guyana becoming one of the fastest-growing economies in the world with many booming sectors and the vast development of its tourism industry. The country has been investing in numerous tourism products and experiences such as its eco-lodges, tours, and cultural extravaganza, among other tour initiatives.
