Roadside vendors in New Amsterdam to be removed this week

Vending along a road in New Amsterdam, Berbice

By: Andrew Carmichaelย 

The New Amsterdam Town Council has announced that roadside vendors within the municipality will be removed this week.

At a press conference today, officials explained that the vendors have been given ample notice to remove their structures.

Foreman of the Engineering Department Charles Johnson says the structures have been creating hindrances to the municipalityโ€™s drain cleaning exercises.

He warned that derelict vehicles as well as other illegal structures will also be removed.

โ€œOnce it is removed, some will be destroyed, and the others, you will have to pay a fine to recover same,โ€ he explained.

Johnson pointed out that the campaign, commencing in January, will run until March of this year and will first target Strand and then move to Main Street and then to Republic Road.

This is not the first time that the New Amsterdam Municipality has planned to make such a move; it has almost become an annual affair and within weeks the situation returns to what it was prior.

Johnson has promised that this time it will be different.

โ€œWhat happened over the years, is that enforcement was an issue. So, this year, we have put together a team that will deal with the ongoing enforcement of these policies so when we have persons removed, we will have a special team that would be doing daily checks and inspections,โ€ he assured.
