At approximately 11:00hrs today bandits robbed a family, while they were working on their rice field in Crane, West Coast Demerara, of cash, medications and important documents.
According to 57-year-old Ramkissoon Ramnarine, of Canal No.1, West Bank Demerara, his 56-year-old wife, Indira Ramnarine and their 26-year-old disabled daughter were lying in hammocks under a make shift shed at the side of the rice field, while he and another worker were ploughing the field.

He recalled that a motorcycle with two men pulled up alongside the road and a ‘rasta man’ came off and approached the shed where his wife and daughter were.
Indira Ramnarine said that another worker was under the shed with them at the time, and he noticed that the man pulled a gun from his waist.
However, the armed bandit did not speak to the family at all. He instead, picked up the three bags that were under the shed and ran back to the motor cycle where the two men drove off.
Ramnarine told Inews that the bags contained $90,000 in cash, medications for his wife and daughter, cosmetics, as well as his driver’s licence and Identification card.

He further told Inews that this is their third run-in with thieves, highlighting that it was their first encounter with bandits that rendered their daughter disabled, since the shock caused her to stop speaking.
The police were contacted and an investigation is ongoing.
Crime rate down. Read the stats. Ask the Commissioner of Police and Minister of Security. They will confirm this.
Both of them blind.